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  • Writer's pictureMcKenna Marketing Solutions

Modernize Your Marketing: Why Shifting From Traditional to Digital Marketing Will Pay off in 2022

So, it’s time to update your brand’s marketing strategy and budget for 2022, but where should you start? When looking over last year’s marketing efforts, identify areas that are in need of some modernization.

For example, do you have some costly traditional marketing expenses such as mailers, print ads, or local television ads that are costing you thousands of dollars a year? If so, it may be time to ditch them.

While creating a marketing strategy that combines traditional and digital marketing tactics will still be wise in 2022, it’s important to note that digital will be king. And even better, replacing your traditional marketing strategies with modern ones will not only be more effective but will allow you to cut down on tons of your marketing spendings.

To learn more about why you should choose digital marketing in 2022, keep reading. In this guide, we will let you in on how digital marketing can help you grow your customer base and profits, all while costing you less.

Increased Customer Engagement

Most traditional marketing efforts do not allow brands to directly interact with their target audience. However, with digital marketing, engagement is everything. Digital marketing allows for higher levels of interaction with your consumers.

For example, with a strategic social media marketing plan in place, you can create an online presence and share content with your followers. This allows them to like, comment, and share with your brand online allowing for higher levels of engagement which improves your brand’s relationship with your customers. The stronger the customer relationship, the more loyalty your customers will feel to your brand.

The Ability to Track and Optimize Your Efforts

Think about it - with traditional marketing practices such as print ads, brochures, and fliers, you are pouring your money in without ever being able to track the success of the marketing campaign. If you can’t track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, how can you be sure that they are worth your marketing dollars? This is one of the main reasons that digital marketing is preferred by brands.

With digital marketing, you are able to track the success of your ad campaigns using analytic and insight tools. This allows you to make sure your marketing dollars are well spent while also allowing you to see what’s working and what’s not. This allows you to optimize and improve your digital marketing efforts for the best results.

For example, with social media analytics, you can track your ad campaigns across multiple social media channels. You might find that you are gaining much more engagement on one social media platform over another, in which case, you can allocate more funds towards efforts that provide proven results. With targeting options, you can tweak your marketing strategy to make sure it’s one that works for your unique brand and target audience.

Make The Switch: Modern Marketing Matters in 2022

If you are still investing in expensive and outdated traditional marketing efforts that don’t seem to be offering the results you need, it’s time to swap them out for modern, digital marketing strategies that work. However, not every business has the experience and expertise to take on its digital marketing needs.

At Mckenna Marketing Solutions, our goal is to take care of your modern marketing strategy for you. We know that the digital world is always changing and that it can be hard to keep up. However, we’re here to do the work for you.

To create a modernized marketing strategy that works, contact us today. We can construct a personalized marketing plan for your company that works to get in front of your ideal consumer so that you can boost your profits in 2022. We will provide you with proven results using our tracking and analytic strategies for results you can see.

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